Thursday, February 5, 2009

Work Ramblings

This is for you Luz...Blog updated.

Okay seriously. Tonight I closed at good old Barnes & Noble and I was in the Children's Department which thankfully wasn't bad. From the few times I've worked back there I have mix feelings about it.

Here's why:

1) I like it because seeing books I grew up with take me down memory lane. If I wasn't working, I would be tempted to read all of the Berenstain Bears books. Seeing them make me wish I never got rid of the ones I had growing up.

2)I like it because it keeps me familiar with the section. Before I started working in kid's, I hated it when a parent or a kid would ask me if we had a book. I could look it up on the computer and tell them if we probably had it or not. Finding it was another story.

3) I don't like it because in a short period of time, it can be destroyed. It does depend on how busy the store is though. If it's busy and I'm gone an hour or more because I'm up at customer service, checking people out at the cash register, my lunch break or covering the cafe lunches...oh might take me a good while to clean it up.

Thankfully, tonight was a slower night. So after being at customer service, I didn't have too much to clean up. There were some books that had to be reshelved but it was still fairly nice, neat and organized. That made me happy.