Friday, February 18, 2011

Half Baked Ice Cream and Sweet Home Alabama with Luz

It has been so long since I've gotten to just sit back, eat ice cream and watch Sweet Home Alabama with my best friend. For that reason, Luz had the idea and I agreed to make an ice cream and movie date....despite the miles that seperate us. And because we are both movie quote nerds, we decided to share as many of the quotes that we can from the movie on our blogs and see how many are the same.

"'No you won't answer or no you won't marry me?'
'Jake Perry, I'm 10 years old. I got too much to live for.'"

"'Why would you want to marry me for anyhow?'
'So I can kiss you anytime I want.'"

"'You know that accent of yours is a whole lot thicker when you're dreaming.'
"How could you let me sleep?'
'Oh, calm down. it was five minutes.'
'What did I say?'
'That you were giving us big fat raises when you become somebody.'"

"'Well,for starters, you can get your stubborn ass down here and give me a divorce.'"

"'You know I've never actually understood that expression but no I'm not shittin' you.'"

"'What happened to Bear?'
'He died. You weren't here.'"

"'Jake! You dumb stubborn redneck hick. The only reason you won't sign these papers is because I want you to.'
'Wrong. The only reason I ain't signing is because you've turned into some hoity toity yankee bitch and I like nothing better right now than to piss you off.'"

"'Hey genious, next time you lock someone out make sure they don't know where the spare key is hidden.'
'Well, that's the thing about hide-a-keys. It would be nice if your wife told you where it was.'"

"'This here ain't nothing but a domestic dispute. He didn't hit you did he? If you tell me he took a swing at you, I'll take him in right now. We take that stuff pretty seriously now a days.'"

"'You know what? I don't have a single childhood memory that doesn't have you two in it? And that includes the night I lite my ass on fire.'
'Wade, memory lane is closed.'"

"'I suppose shop lifting steaks at the Winn Dixie's okay?'
"Oh, oh, oh, oh. I took those back and you know it!'
'You remeber the vandalism out at the stockyard...totally her.'
'Like I could tip a cow by myself.'
'Wade, isn't there an outstanding warrent for whoever dumped your mamma's tractor in the fish pond?'"

"'I see your priorities. Jake, jail and then home.'"

"'That's just pillow talk talkin.'"

"'Have you been to the Sit and Sleep lately? Yuck. I suppose I'll just have to order something from New York.'
'Whatever blows up your dress, darlin. You go right ahead and spend your money.'
'Oh, but darlin' I thought you said to think of it as our money.'"

"'Just a guess but I'm thinking the words joint checking are flashing in your head right now.'
'How much did you take?'
'All of it.'
'Son of a bitch!'
'You want a wife, you gotta wife.'"

"'Honey, just cause I talk slow doesn't mean I'm stupid.'"

"What is that noise?'
'The sound of my past.'"

"'Look at you! You have a a bar.'"

"'Hot dog, Jake! Look at the size of that thing!'"

"'Not me and her us. You and I us.'"

"'Oh, why don't you just go to a gay bar!'"

"'I am better than them and you stole my pen.'"

"'People need a passport to come down here.'"

"'The girl I knew used to be fearless.'
'The girl you knew didn't have a life.'"

"'We weren't aiming for you but I doubt that I would have come to your funeral.'"

"'It's funny how things don't work out.'
'It's funny how they do.'"

"'Can anyone think of anything that might bother Bobby Ray here?'
"Uh...Clinton's breath?'"

"'Do you want to go arrest somebody?'"

"'I told him it was my fault.'"

"'Maybe I could just fly south for the winter.'"

"'Fifth regiment! Anybody seen Earl Smooter?'
'He's about to surrender!'"

"'You and I are in love with two totally different people.'"

"'Is he a second cousin?'
"He's my husband.'
'You married your cousin?!'"

"'Oh yes, let's.'"

"'Do we know, Mo?'"

"'No really, I've seen it. You just have to dig it up.'"

"'I saw him first.'
'I think he's already taken.'"

"'Daddy! NO!'"

"'You know, Jake you're my only son and I love you but sometimes you're too much like your daddy.'"

"'You know, I can't control her anymore than I can control the weather.'"

"'These things don't just happen you know.'"

"'The truth is I gave my heart away a long time ago, my whole heart and I never really got it back.'"

"No one talks to my Mamma like that!'
'Praise the Lord, the south has risen again!'"

'"Hey ya'll if your friends of the bride, stick around. I'm gonna find me a groom!'"

"'How cowboy!You owe me a dance.'
'Nice dress. Where's your husband?'
'I'm looking at him. Apparently you and I are still hitched.'
'Is that right?'"

"'What is it about you southern girls? Can you only make the right decision after you tried all the wrong ones.'
'At least I fight for what I want.'
'What do you want, Melanie? I don't think even you know.'
'You were the first boy I ever kissed, Jake, and I want you to be the last.'
'Maybe you and I had are chance.'
'Fine! Have it your way you stubborn ass!'
'Why would you want to marry me for anyhow?'
'So I can kiss you anytime I want.'"

"'What she do this time?'
'From what I hear, she ran out on a perfectly good cake.'"

"'You might want to keep those for the honeymoon.'"

"'Hey Stella, make it a slow one.'"

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Seriously, Is This Really Happening?

Today is order day at work so we had three people scheduled in the cafe. I get to work at 7:30 this morning and start getting the cafe ready to open. Soon after that, the store manager tells me that the 8 o'clock person called in sick and she asked if I could stay till 3. I had been scheduled to leave at 1. On the plus side, that's an extra two hours of pay! However, this also meant I'd be by myself for two hours since the third person doesn't get there until 11.

Is this my only trouble for the day? I wish it was. We had some wood paneling in the cafe that needed to get worked on and they came to fix it this morning. That in itself is a good thing. However, for them to work, the closing crew last night had to move all of our retail coffee bags, chai and green tea boxes, the syrups and our espresso machine. For me this meant everything was squished on our side of the counter which means annoying to deal with. Also, one of the soup pots wasn't scrubbed completely clean last night so it had to be washed again. So I took it to the back and filled it with hot soapy water. I'd worry about it later.

Is this the end of my troubles? Sadly it wasn't. Usually the order arrives anywhere between 11 and 12:30. Sometimes a little earlier. Today he arrived a little after 9.....when I was still by myself. Luckily someone from the book floor was sent to help when I was checking in the order. However, she doesn't know how to make the drinks so I had to go help a couple of times.

The next step for the order is dating all of the delivered food and then putting it in our walk-in freezer. I had decided that it was best to simply stack everything in the freezer and let our lead do that when she got in at 11. I never would have gotten it done with having to stop and make drinks.

Since I didn't have to be in our back room anymore, I sent my co-worker back to the book floor. I planned to put up the non-food products of the order but that didn't happen. The cafe got too busy with customers. It wasn't busy enough for me to call for back-up but busy enough where I couldn't get anything else done.

I went on my lunch break at 11. When I was in the break room, I noticed that the schedule for next week had come out so I went to look at it. Apparently, my cafe manager had forgotten that I requested off this coming Sunday for my birthday. I was not a happy camper at that moment. Luckily I'll see her tomorrow so that can get fixed.

I am happy to say that my day got better after that. Nothing else major happened and I went into a much better mood. Although I was really happy when 3 o'clock rolled around. I was so out of there!!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Recent Events

My head has been spinning this past week and a conversation yesterday sent my brain going on faster loops. After a short while, it seemed to stop and it hasn't picked up again. I hope it stays that way. Sadly I can't say anymore than that because it's not my place to say anything. Although, the one person who I know for sure will read this already knows and she knows why.

Moving on to another topic....the weather that has caused power outages across the state. I get to work at 11 this morning and the store is closed because there's no power. It had been going off and on all morning. We wouldn't have power for about 45 minutes or so and then it would be on for 13-20 minutes. This continued through the early afternoon and the store didn't open until almost 2 o'clock. I wonder if the same thing will happen tomorrow. I'll find out when I get to work in the morning!