Friday, July 29, 2011


First thought for this blog What is the deal with all of the returns we've had lately? It's like they buy the book, use it and then return it the next day. Seriously, it's crazy.

Second thought...I got to drive Dad's new truck on Wednesday!!!!! I suppose it's really not that big of a deal but it is larger than his last truck and it's a diesel. The reason I got to drive the truck was that Dad was changing the oil in my car but didn't have enough oil to put into my car. So I went to Auto Zone to buy more while he started to drain the old oil. My car was blocking Mom's so driving her car wasn't an option.

Third thought...I had my first kickball game last night. Sadly we got our butts kicked. Although, we were short a player and they are a really good team. Also, our team got better defensively as the game went on. The other team's runs were mainly scored in the first inning.

Fourth thought...Today has been laundry day. Usually I wash clothes as I need them...socks, underwear, work clothes. However, today I washed all of my dirty clothes which equaled to four loads. On the plus side my hamper is completely empty.