Friday, April 30, 2010

The O'Malley's

So I finally picked up the O'Malley series by Dee Henderson again. I had read the pre-equal and the first book awhile ago but failed to read the rest of them. A number of days ago I finished reading The Guardian. I loved it and picked up The Truth Seeker the very next day. Wow. I love Lisa and Quinn and the appearences that Jack makes. I had to come on here and share some of my favorite parts. And I haven't even finished the book yet! Some of them are Quinn's thoughts and others are conversations that had me burst out laughing. Enjoy!

"He'd do what he could to get that stress to drain away tonight, even if he had to resort to badgering her into getting angry and letting that tension loose against him. It was one of the odd times where ruffling her into reacting would be the right thing to do."

"It was a dichotomy he had accepted over the years as the place God had put him. He couldn't be a light among a sea of candles."

"'My gutters must be clogged. That brief rainstorm was wonderful, but it had me finding towels. My swamp is back, and this time it came in under the back door.'
'Your swamp monster returns? You mean it didn't just unlock the door and wander through the house? Face it, you've got a living thing in your yard. It never dies.'
'Jack.' Next thing she was going to hear about those stupid monsters from the swamp movies he loved."

"'I think it was the purple socks. When she looks beautiful in purple socks, there's a problem.'"

"Quinn got the message. Hurt Lisa and a hammer was going to come down...Those who said chivalry was dead in the modern age hadn't met Marcus."

"'Oh-very important. Jack, if you cook the rice so I get hit with white soggy stuff I'm going to make you eat it.'
Jack burst out laughing. 'Jen, I hadn't even thought of that one. And why are you always picking on me? You know Kate dreams most of this stuff up.'
'Whitewashing my car windows this morning-are you telling me that wasn't you?'
'I claim the fifth.'
'I thought you would.'"

"Quinn waited until the door closed, then tapped on the connecting door. 'Marcus?'
His partner opened the door and rested his shoulder against the door frame. 'She fell for it?'
'Hook, line, and sinker.'
'I wonder how long it will take her to realize she just raided Dave's room, not mine.'"

"She heard a soft rumble. She looked up and grinned. 'That is your stomach growling.'
'It's Old Blue's.'
'Sure it is.'
Quinn got to his feet. 'I'll prove it to you. I'll go get a sandwich, and you can listen to Old Blue.'"

"He thought about moving her. Thought about it and instead just settled into the chair opposite her, resting his chin on his fist. She was gorgeous as she slept."

Have a great day and God bless!