Friday, April 17, 2009

Animals: Part II

The Penguin

I admit I don’t know much about penguins but I do think they’re cute, especially in Happy Feet. It’s a bird that doesn’t fly but swims instead. Think about it. A bird that swims…I never would have thought of that.

Once again, I’ll continue later. It’s past one o’clock and I need to go to bed.

Animals: A part of God's Creation Part I

I thought I would continue my previous blog by sharing with you different animals. I'll even start with one I mentioned earlier.

The Cheetah
I stated in the last post that the cheetah is the fastest land animal on four legs. It can run at least 65 mph and sometimes all four legs are off the ground. How cool is that? Luz, I posted this picture just for you. I saw it, laughed and saved it knowing I had to post it.

I'll add more later in another post. I have to go to work now. So sad. I'd rather finish this.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Balaam's Donkey

During this past week, the readings for BSF focused on Israel when they were camped outside Moab. The King, Balak, was terrified so he sent for Balaam to curse Israel.
The LORD told Balaam to say only what He told him to and Balaam informed the messengers of this. He said all the right words, sounding like a follower of the LORD, but God can see past the words into the person's heart. Three times the angel of the LORD blocked Balaam's path intending to kill him. Three times the donkey moved, saving Balaam's life. Three times Balaam beat the donkey because she was making a fool of him and he could not see the angel of the LORD. After the third time, the LORD opened the donkey's mouth so she could speak.
"What have I done to you to make you beat me these three times?...Have I been in the habit of doing this?"
"No." Then the LORD opened Balaam's eyes and he could see the angel of the LORD.
One of the questions this week was what lessons did you learn from this account.
I had two answers.
1) Follow God's instructions. All of them with no intentions of trying to change God's mind.
2) Listen to your pet, they might be trying to save your life.
I admit that the second one is uniquely me but that doesn't mean it's not true. All of creation is under God's control. God can use animals to send us a message or to save our lives. I've seen too many animal miracle shows to not believe that. The things that pets have done to save the lives of their owners is amazing.
Luz, we once had a conversation about what makes you see that there is a God. If I remember correctly, you said flowers. If I'm wrong, I'm sorry and please correct me. I'm thinking I said nature which is true, but not to the same extent as animals. I'm not just talking about dogs but from dogs to cats to killer whales to seals to polar bears. All of them. When Rachel and I were at Sea World, I was watching the different shows and amazed at how awesome and beautiful God's creation is. I was also astounded how people could see this and not believe that God exists. It boggles my mind on how some people do not believe in God and creation when each animal is unique in it's abilities to survive in its environment. Even when they live in the same environment. For example, the lion and the cheetah both live in Africa but are completely different. The lions live in prides and the females hunt together. The cheetahs are mostly solitary and are the fastest land animal on four legs. How amazing is that?! God is totally awesome!
Well, that's enough of my ranting. God bless and have a wonderful day!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Change of Plans

So today turned out a little differently than I had originally planned. It's my first day off in 6 days and the top thing on my list,right after doing my BSF, was doing laundry. So a little before 10:30 I went into my little laundry room to start my first load and I discovered that my water was off.
After saying "What is going on here," I remembered that last week our management left a note saying they would have to turn the water off in our building on Thursday March 26th to fix a problem. It did not happen...probably due to the hail storm that went through the night before. I figured that since they didn't fix the problem last week, they're doing it today. It would have been nice if they left another note saying they were turning off our water today. Of course they might have but Rachel was the one to see the note and forgot to tell me because of her car issues. Understandable.
So what do I do? I pick up my phone, call Mom and ask her if I can come to the house to do my laundry. So that's where I'm at right now. My last load is in the's probably done by now. A slight change of plans but my laundry still got done!! :)

Monday, March 30, 2009

Prayer's Please!

The Easter Pageant I'm in needs your prayers. Easter is now less than two weeks away and we still need roles filled. We need soldiers, women of the tomb, Barabbas, servants, one or two disciples and probably more that I can't think of right now.
I know somehow it will work out because God is taking care of it. As our director says, "It's not our pageant, it's God's pageant." We're just the instrument God is using to tell His story. It is an amazing experience. Being part of telling the story of Christ's death and resurrection puts Easter in a better perspective. It helps you have a better understanding of what Christ went through to save us. I've been involved with the pageant since about the 3rd grade and Easter would not be the same without it.
Thank you for your prayers! I greatly appreciate it! If you want to know more about the pageant, let me know. I'm more than willing to share.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Work Ramblings

This is for you Luz...Blog updated.

Okay seriously. Tonight I closed at good old Barnes & Noble and I was in the Children's Department which thankfully wasn't bad. From the few times I've worked back there I have mix feelings about it.

Here's why:

1) I like it because seeing books I grew up with take me down memory lane. If I wasn't working, I would be tempted to read all of the Berenstain Bears books. Seeing them make me wish I never got rid of the ones I had growing up.

2)I like it because it keeps me familiar with the section. Before I started working in kid's, I hated it when a parent or a kid would ask me if we had a book. I could look it up on the computer and tell them if we probably had it or not. Finding it was another story.

3) I don't like it because in a short period of time, it can be destroyed. It does depend on how busy the store is though. If it's busy and I'm gone an hour or more because I'm up at customer service, checking people out at the cash register, my lunch break or covering the cafe lunches...oh might take me a good while to clean it up.

Thankfully, tonight was a slower night. So after being at customer service, I didn't have too much to clean up. There were some books that had to be reshelved but it was still fairly nice, neat and organized. That made me happy.